Friday, September 7, 2012

North Texas Giving Day-September 13, 2012

With much anticipation, North Texas Giving Day 2012 is upon us and this year, the 
Hope Center for Autism has been accepted to take part in this one day drive 
for online donations geared toward North Texans.

On September 13th, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. to Midnight every donation of $25.00 or greater made to the Hope Center For Autism thru the website will be matched by a percentage of one million dollars!    Your donation this day will have an even greater impact for the Hope Center for Autism because of those available matching funds so remember, every gift large or small, made through on that day will make a difference.

We are very excited about this tremendous opportunity to participate on a much larger scale outside of our traditional fundraising efforts.  As always, we appreciate your continued support!

PLEASE Save the Date:  September 13, 2012  From 7:00 a.m.m to Midnight
PLEASE Save and Share This Link: DonorBridgeTX-Hope Center for Autism
PLEASE Ask Your Family and Friends to Particpate