The first thing that must happen is the
parent needs to understand the token system.
To help you understand that, think of your time card and your
paycheck. You go to work, you keep track
of your time on your time card and at the end of the week you trade in your
time card for your reinforcer…the PAYCHECK.
Now you understand the idea behind the token
system. You do the work your boss asks
you to do and then your trade that in for your paycheck.
Pick the desired behavior you wish to increase. (brushing teeth, doing dishes, going potty)
The next step is to figure out what is a good enough reinforcer for your child to do the desired task you have asked them to do.
Pick a reinforce that your child will want to earn. A good reinforcer will be something that the child doe not have free access to daily. It needs to be a highly desired item. The reinforcer might be a toy, food, the park or limited computer time.
If your child has no knowledge of a token system, start with a first / then system.
first you do X (desired behavior) then you earn X (high reinforcer).
The First / Then System is simple, fast.this can be used almost anywhere; home, store, church, a party, virtually any place. Please use it and use it often.
Join us for the Parent Support Group Meeting on Tuesday September 4th at the Hope Center where we will have all the supplies you need to make your customized First / Then Boards and Token Systems!
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